Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Nieces and Nephews

I forgot to take pictures of the other three towels and the four washclothes that I made but here is a example of the present that my nieces and "nephews" got for Christmas this year!!

Jacket for my sister

Sorry about the sideways picture... No matter what I do blogger will not upload it correctly.

Made this jacket a while ago but could not post it because it was a Christmas present for my sister!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cookiepolooza 2011

Recently made aprons for all of the female in my family so that we could
make Christmas cookies again this year!!
And when cooking with a 1 and 3 year olds they sure came in handy... if you notice all hte flour covering everyone in the below picture!!!!
Unfortunatly this is the best picture that we took. The girls aprons were in a earlier post but the "adults" aprons are new. They were made with Simplicity pattern 2298 (see below) and they turned out wonderful!! They are view C!
I think this pattern would make a really cute half apron too!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hobbes Stuffed Animals Part 2

After a few more hours of hand sewing the first Hobbes Stuffed Animal is ready to be shipped to Louisiana. The second one is days away from being ready to ship. Hopefully it can get there before they leave for Christmas vacation... and hopefully my fingeres last through the assembly and stripping of the second one.
Once Christmas is over my mother and I are going to sit down and figure out an easier way to make these dolls as I am completely not happy with this pattern... but then again I would never have been able to make them without it!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Hobbes Stuffed Animal

A while ago one of my best friends told me that her husband wanted to get Hobbes Stuffed animals for their nephews for christmas but that they didn't sell them anywhere and asked if I would be willing to make them.
Of course I said yes... after 16 hours of hand sewing because of course the pattern we have very little can be sewn on a machine this is what I have...